Canyon Lake Mobile Home Estates POA
 About the Pool

Opening day for the POOL 2018 season is: SATURDAY MAY 26, 2018

The Canyon Lake Mobile Home Estates Park and Pool is open to all property owners in the Canyon Lake Mobile Home Estates who are current on the yearly $24.00 POA dues. The Park & Pool belongs to all property owners per the original Deed Restrictions for each of the seven units. One of the main functions of the POA is to maintain your Park and Pool with your dues payments. Non-payment of dues results in denial of pool entry. The CLMHE POA Board hopes that all residents use, enjoy, and help keep the park & pool a pleasant and fun experience for all.

Please note the following:
• Pool cards are no longer issued. POA dues payment cards are kept on file at the pool to check on status of dues payment.
• It is required that each property owner fill out an Acknowledgement & Liability Waiver every year upon their first visit. 14-18 year old Juvenile Liability Waivers must be completed prior to admittance.
• A copy of the pool rules will be given to the property owner upon their first visit. Please be sure that you and all your family members understand the pool rules, and understand any and all consequences if the rules are not observed.

Thank you and have a super safe swim summer.