Canyon Lake Mobile Home Estates POA
 Pool Rules

Opening day for the POOL 2012 season is: TBA

EFFECTIVE 05-12-2015

• THE ATTENDANT IS NOT A LIFEGUARD! Attendants are there to assure safety to the users, the property, and equipment.
• The attendant may only allow authorized users into the park and pool area.
• The attendant follows the rules determined by the CLMHE POA. They will not be subject to any abuse and are authorized to remove pool users/guests for any inappropriate behavior including intoxication, use of profane or vulgar language, fighting, inappropriate dress, etc.
• The attendant may limit the number of users/guests in the pool at peak usage times, if necessary for the safety of all.
• Attendants wear a whistle while on duty to alert swimmers. If the whistle is blown, users/guests will follow any instructions given in order to maintain safety for all.

• Membership cards are no longer issued. Instead, a card file of paid Members is kept
at the pool. If the POA annual dues are not paid, admission will be denied. Members
are asked to sign in at every visit on the log provided at the entrance.
• The attendant may accept payment of dues with cash, check, or money order. A receipt will be given to the Member at the time of payment.
• Property owners who pay their dues may allow their renters use of the pool, or renters may pay the dues to use the facilities. The renter’s payments will be credited to the owner.
• Members will be required to complete a Registration form, which includes a juvenile parental authorization for children 14 to 18 years of age. 14 to 18 year old juveniles will not be permitted to swim without a parent/guardian until this waiver is completed onsite by a parent/guardian.
• To ensure their safety, children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by a guardian. A guardian must be 18 years or older. The guardian must stay inside the pool area with the child. The pool attendant is not a babysitter or guardian for children under the age of 14 years.
• Persons of 14 to 18 years of age may use the pool unattended with a parental waiver on file. This waiver is considered a privilege, not to be abused. Any question of age will deny entry until proof of age is confirmed. These measures are to ensure safety of all children using the pool facilities.
• Guests of property owners who have paid their dues are limited to 3 (three) non- property owners/renters and the guests are expected to follow the pool usage rules. No Member under the age of 18 may bring guests.
• Proper swim attire is required. NO blue jean shorts, cut-offs, or street clothes are allowed in the pool.
• A shower stall is available for use before entering the pool. We request everyone to shower before entering the pool. This cuts down on contaminates which can shut down the pool.
• Floatation devises are required for all children under 5 years of age, provided by the parent/guardian.
• For safety, no one under 8 years of age is allowed in the deep end of the pool without a parent. If you know your child, at any age, is not a strong swimmer, it is recommended you consider they wear a life jacket.
• No flips or running and jumping into the pool. No diving on sides and shallow end of the pool. Diving is only permitted along the deep end ledge of the pool. When jumping or diving into the pool, please be considerate of the other swimmers.

• Running, wrestling, dunking and roughhousing are not allowed.
• Use of profane or vulgar language will not be allowed. Violators will be removed.
• Any pool rule violation, at the attendant’s discretion, will be treated in this manner:
1st violation - 5 minute time out
2nd violation - 15 minutes time out
3rd violation - removal from the pool and park and juvenile waiver revoked. Juvenile violators will not be allowed to return until a parent/guardian completes another waiver onsite. Non-juvenile offenders may lose their privileges for the season after review by the Pool Committee.
• The pool attendant, at their discretion, may clear the pool for 15 minutes if necessary for any situation that demands their attention.

• No rafts, inner tubes, air/water guns, small toys other than soft balls made for water play are allowed. Coin tossing is prohibited. If a net is set up, only one ball is allowed for play. Small diving rings/sticks at least 7 to 12 inches long are permitted.

• Soft drinks and snacks are available for sale from the pool attendant. These snacks are to be consumed outside the pool area. NO food or drinks will be allowed inside the pool area. A water fountain is available within the pool area.
• Smoking inside the pool area is not permitted.
• The pool telephone is for the use of the attendant for EMEGENCY USE ONLY.

The park and pool is owned by all the property owners and regulated by the elected Board of Directors. Your input is greatly appreciated and your cooperation is anticipated in order to have a clean, safe and pleasant environment for all. The pool attendants are all volunteers, who are graciously giving many hours of their personal time for your enjoyment. If you have any issues with the Pool Use Guidelines or the attendants, or if you if you would like to offer your services, please call the POA at 830-899-3268 or go to the web site,, to contact the Board of Directors.
If you use the park, please clean up after yourselves. Remember the park and pool belong to you. Please be considerate of your neighbors.